2022 Patrimonio Rouge “E Croce” Yves Leccia
France | Corsica
Wine Type
by Dixon Brooke
A friend in Provence taught me to enjoy zucchini. Growing them is easy or buying them cheap, and they are as painless to prepare as your moo...
Sarah and Simon Giacometti count themselves among a new generation of growers in Patrimonio who have pushed to ban herbicide use throughout the appell...
I can’t ignore it simply because the quality of California rosé has created a credibility problem for rosé in general. So I buy them anyway. In sm...
A bottle I opened the other night not only charmed me, it provided the sensation of discovering something entirely new...
You can really go glass after glass, and you’ll always find yourself reaching for more....
This year we may not have been able to host our annual parking lot oyster party but you can recreate it in your backyard...
Summer is without a doubt my favorite time of the year to cook, even if much of the time, by “cook,” I really mean assemble. Is there an...
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