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Rosé Arrives

by Emily Spillmann

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Rosé Arrives - Emily Spillmann

Buy this collection 3 bottles

Buy this collection 3 bottles

Rosé Arrives - Emily Spillmann
Rosé Arrives - Emily Spillmann

Here in Burgundy, we’re officially post-lockdown. People are starting to get out and about again, cautiously accepting dinner invitations, and inevitably wondering if it’s okay to exchange la bise—even, if it will ever be okay again. Impossible to imagine the French doing away with something so typically theirs as the “air kiss.” What would replace it? A nod? An awkward wave? Non, non, non. I have seen far too many clandestine bises to believe the ritual might be on its way out. Wherever you are in these hot days of summer, I hope you will join me in opening some rosé and raising a glass to hope, to joy, to the promise of gatherings yet to come. Bon courage!

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